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Halo Infinite: How to unlock the Mix Things Up achievement

Co-op mission replay is now available in Halo Infinite and you and your Spartan pals can work together to get the Mix Things Up achievement. As co-op was only added this week after a pretty lengthy delay, this particular achievement is bugging out for some players so you might need to try again—and again—to get it to unlock.

In this guide, I’ll talk you through how to get the Mix Things Up achievement and what weapons you’re looking for.

Halo Infinite: Mix Things Up achievement

To unlock this achievement, you need to get a kill with every available weapon and grenade on the Banished ship in the first mission, Warship Gbraakon. There are 11 different weapons to use, including a plasma cannon you can pick up and three different grenade types. Here’s each weapon type you’re looking for, and it’s worth noting that the assault rifle and MK50 Sidekick also count here:

Plasma pistolNeedlerMangkerPulse carbineFrag grenadesBulldogSpike grenadePlasma grenadePlasma cannonBR75RavagerHydra

You’ll find these weapons in weapons racks, near your spawn position, from enemy drops and floor loot. Be sure to check the hangar thoroughly and near the elevators to find all the weapons you need. The hydra can be found at the end behind some crates to your left after you manage to cross the gap.

It only takes one person to complete this achievement and everyone gets it, so let yourself be carried to victory if you miss out on using a weapon. As this achievement and several others are still a bit buggy, you might need to rinse and repeat a few times before you get the achievement to ping.

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