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After 27 years on console, Tactics Ogre is finally coming to PC

After a whole lot of leaks, Square Enix have finally come out and announced that, yes, they really are remaking 2010’s Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, and it hits Steam on November 11.

The updated version promises a spate of upgrades to the 2010 PSP version—itself a remake of the original 1995 game—including faster battles, autosaves, and overhauled control and UI systems to make the game feel like less of a relic. Square Enix also announced fully voiced cutscenes in English and Japanese and music that’s been recorded anew with live performances. All in all, it sounds like a pretty significant update for the tactics classic.

Tactics Ogre is one of those games I’ve spent all my life hearing about but never got a chance to play, confined as it was to a bunch of consoles and handhelds that I never had. It’s a bonafide classic, though, held in high esteem for its art, writing, and the politically dense storytelling of its medieval fantasy setting. The game sees you play a soldier trying to stay alive in the midst of a big old fantasy war, and battles are fought on isometric, turn-based battlegrounds. I’m excited to finally get a chance to play it after so many years of it being out of my reach.

The remaster has been one of the world’s worst-kept secrets since it was revealed in the Nvidia leaks last year. Since then, aspects of it have leaked two more times, including a very thorough and detailed reveal via PSDeals a couple of weeks ago. But despite that, this is the first confirmation we’ve had that the game is actually going to hit PC. Even better, it’s releasing on the same day that it hits consoles. Now all we need is some news on that Final Fantasy Tactics remaster and we’ll finally be able to play all the tactical classics I heard about on the school playground.

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