Looking for Total War: Warhammer 3 mods? The third instalment in the Total War: Warhammer series may be pretty great—just look at our review—but it definitely has a problem with replayability. Your first campaign might be a lot of fun, but before long, you’ll likely grow tired of dealing with Chaos Rifts and having to complete somewhat repetitive Chaos Realm challenges.
With Immortal Empires though, it’s the perfect time for mods to prove their worth. Whether you want to disable more frustrating elements of Warhammer 3 like Minor Settlement battles, or the rifts in the Realm of Chaos campaign, there are plenty of Warhammer 3 mods to choose from.
If you’re familiar with the popular mods from the previous games, you might recognise some of these as follow-ups, and essentials like Better Camera and Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords have been ported over, but there are lots of new ones to contend with, too. That said, here are some of the best Warhammer 3 mods to try out right now.
Toggle Chaos Realms
Download from: Steam Workshop
The first mod you should download, Toggle Chaos Realms by DrunkFlamingo does just that. At the start of your campaign you’ll be given the option to turn off the Chaos Realms, transforming the Realms of Chaos campaign into a sandbox strategy experience akin to previous Total War games. That means no more rifts popping up in your provinces, no more Chaos Realm challenges, and best of all, no more Greasus Goldtooth beating you to the finish.
Minor Settlements Become Land Battles
Download from: Steam Workshop
This Warhammer 3 mod makes a minor tweak, but it’s an essential one for players who want things back to the way they were. Minor settlement becomes land battles by Flavius removes the new minor settlement maps for siege battles, and instead turns them into field battles like they used to be in Total War: Warhammer 1 and 2. If you’re looking for a speedier campaign where you don’t have to grind for every territorial gain, this mod is perfect.
Change Starting Settlement
Download from: Steam Workshop
Start positions are important in Total War: Warhammer and alternate start positions for legendary lords was one of the most hotly requested features in the first game. My personal favorite mod, Change Starting Settlement by prop joe, lets you launch a campaign and then pick and choose where you want to begin. It’s a little like the Totally Random Total War Generator mod for the second game, adding a huge amount of replayability by allowing you to effectively change your early game challenges and campaign progression with a simple switcheroo.
Legendary Lore
Download from: Steam Workshop
Total War: Warhammer has introduced a whole host of new players to the world of Warhammer Fantasy, and that’s partly because the games are so great at bringing the lore to life. However, if you want to learn even more about the setting’s locations and characters, Legendary Lore by thesniperdevil might add a little more flavor to your campaign. As you explore new regions, defeat legendary lords, upgrade settlements, and recruit units, you’ll get a nice box with some text telling you about each. It’s a great way of learning more about the world with little bits of bitesized lore.
SFO Grimhammer III
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Venris and the SFO Mod Team are back with SFO Grimhammer III. After the mod’s huge success with the first and second game, this new version looks to overhaul Total War: Warhammer 3 in much the same way, bringing the game “closer to the lore and Warhammer universe”. So far they’ve rebalanced units, sieges, and spells, but their roadmap addresses every part of the game by the end of the year. If it turns out anything like their previous Warhammer mods, it’ll be a must-have addition to the game.
Daniel Painter
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What Warhammer fan doesn’t love an army painter? Daniel the Daemon Prince may come with his own choice wargear, but Daniel Painter by Marthenil adds a whole extra layer of customisation to your paragon of pain, letting you deck him out in in a variety of colours. If you’re someone who used to spend way too long creating their own Space Marine colour scheme in Dawn of War, this mod is definitely for you.
One Button Respec
Download from: Steam Workshop
Ever add skills to your legendary lord only to realise they’re useless later in the campaign? One Button Respec is another mod by DrunkFlamingo that allows you to re-allot all your legendary lord or general’s skill points. Simply click the button in the character skills panel, pay 1,000 gold, and you choose brand new skills, though be aware, you can only do this once for each character.
More Character Names
Download from: Steam Workshop
There are a lot of armies in Total War: Warhammer 3, and with a lot of armies, comes a lot of generals. After a while you start to get a little tired of seeing regular old Joe McBloodskull heading another host of Khornate daemons. In typical CA fashion, a lot of the names are often very bad puns, too. I’d never deny someone a pun, but it can break immersion at times. More character names by Beans centres around adding lots of lore-friendly faction names to Total War: Warhammer 3, so no matter how many armies you run into, you’re always fighting someone different.
Dead of the Orient
Download from: Steam Workshop
It’s not just the Old World that has undead. It’s documented in the lore that Cathay also has its fair share of things that go bump in the night, and many expected to see so-called “Jade-blooded vampires” on launch. There’s a good chance that when undoubtedly Neferata arrives as a legendary lord, we’ll also get Cathay’s famous vampires. In the meantime, however, Dead of the Orient by Poljanan adds some undead-themed units and buildings for Grand Cathay. The Forbidden Legion is my personal favorite—a unit of ancient re-animated warriors who give off a real terracotta army vibe.