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The best Baldur’s Gate 3 multiclass builds for tackling Tactician and Honour mode

I’ve played Baldur’s Gate 3 for nearly 300 hours, beaten it on Tactician, and I’m closing in on my first Honour Mode clear. I feel comfortable saying that the most fun and optimal character builds are going to involve using D&D’s multiclass rules to combine different Baldur’s Gate 3 classes together into a hybrid that’s more powerful, or maybe just more fun, than either individually.

In the first part of this guide, I’ll go over the basic rules and best practices of multiclassing, but you can skip to the second section for a collection of multiclass builds inspired by my own experience, as well as the most diabolical setups I’ve seen on YouTube.

How to multiclass

Each time you level up in Baldur’s Gate 3, you can choose any of its 12 classes to progress in. Baldur’s Gate 3 has actually removed tabletop attribute restrictions from multiclasses, so your only restriction is whether the choice is worthwhile or not. There’s even an achievement, “Jack of All Trades,” awarded by taking one level of each class on the same character without respeccing.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a relatively low level cap of 12, and multiclassing can delay or lock you out of endgame abilities⁠. How much of a loss this is depends on the class—I’ve yet to run into a spellcasting-focused multiclass that I find more compelling than just sticking to the same caster for all twelve levels.

A lot of key bonuses are also tied to the level of your individual classes as opposed to your overall level. For example, you get an “ASI” or feat/attribute bonus every four levels of a class⁠—a level 8 fighter would have two ASIs, while a 5 Fighter/3 Rogue would have just one.

Other level milestones to keep in mind:

Extra Attack: Fighters, Barbarians, Rangers, Monks, and Paladins get a second full attack per turn at level 5. Blade/Valour Bards get this at level 6. Pact of the Blade Warlocks get a special Blade Pact Extra Attack at level 5 that does stack with the normal Extra Attack (usually it’s just one and done). Extra Attack is a priority ability you don’t want to delay more than one or two levels. As a note: Fighters get Improved Extra Attack (for three attacks per round) at level 11, which makes a pure Battlemaster Fighter very competitive with martial multiclasses.Subclass: Most classes let you choose a subclass at level 3 (your Bard college, for example). This is often, but not always, the minimum number of levels you want to hit in a second or third class. Most spellcasters, and also Paladins, choose their subclass at level 1.Spell levels: Full casters gain new spell levels and spell slots every odd class level. Additionally, spellcaster/spellcaster multiclasses have a shared pool of spell slots, removing a major disadvantage of this kind of character in older versions of D&D. A Wizard 4/Cleric 3 can only cast level 2 spells from each class, but will have a large number of spell slots to devote to each, with their Cleric spells able to go in Wizard slots and vice versa⁠.Proficiencies: Classes gain fewer weapon, skill, and saving throw proficiencies when chosen later on than at level 1. It can sometimes be beneficial to choose a class like Fighter or Rogue at level 1 for their excellent martial/skill proficiencies, even if they aren’t going to be your main class focus.Attributes: The highest you can raise an Attribute at character creation is 17 for a +3 bonus to its applications. You get another +1 every even level, to a max of +5 at 20 in a stat. On most companions, it makes sense to start with one score at 17, another at 15, and raising both with an ASI at level 4. On your main character, it’s worthwhile to use Auntie Ethel’s Hair (by either siding with her or intimidating her) to raise your main attribute from 17 to 18, and then an ASI at level 4 or 8 to take that stat from 18 to the cap of 20. Some items that grant an attribute bonus can raise that score above 20.

Sorcerer Paladin (Sorcadin)

Paladin 6 / Bard or Sorcerer 6 👼️

It’s a relatively simple concept: pair Paladin with a Charisma caster like Bard, Sorcerer, or Warlock to take advantage of their combat buffs and, more importantly, their ample Spell Slots to go smiting all the live-long day. Prolific Divinity: Original Sin 2 guide maker sin tee has a great guide to Sorcadins.

Pretty much everything about this Sorcadin setup would work the same with a Paladin/Bard multiclass. You’d be sacrificing Sorcerer spell selection for Bard skill specialization, and the College of Swords Bard’s Slashing Flourish is an extremely strong ability for a martial class—it should be possible to smite on Slashing Flourish if you set Divine Smite to be an on-hit or on-critical reaction in the character menu.

Recommended Skills: Persuade, Intimidate, Athletics

Starting Stats:

Strength: 17Dexterity: 8Constitution: 14Intelligence: 8Wisdom: 10Charisma: 16

Leveling Order:

1. Paladin 12. Paladin 2 – Divine Smite3. Paladin 34. Paladin 4 – Great Weapon Fighting5. Paladin 5 – Extra Attack6. Paladin 67. Sorcerer 18. Sorcerer 29. Sorcerer 310. Sorcerer 4 – +2 Strength (save Potion of Everlasting Vigour for after this)11. Sorcerer 512. Sorcerer 6

Notable Gear:

Everburn Blade (Nautiloid Prologue)Sword of Justice (Act 1 – Our Fiery Friend)Auntie Ethel’s Hair (Act 1 – Save Mayrina)Caustic Band (Act 1 – Myconid Colony Dwarf vendor)Adamantine Splint Mail (Act 1 – Grymforge)Halberd of Vigilance (Act 2 – Moonrise Towers, Lann Tarv)Potion of Everlasting Vigour (Act 2 – Moonrise Towers, Araj Oblodra)Reaper’s Embrace (Act 2 – Final boss)Armour of Persistence (Act 3 – Dammon’s Smithy, Lower City)Legacy of the Masters (Act 3 – Dammon, Lower City)Balduran’s Giantslayer (Act 3 – The Blade of Frontiers)Sarevok’s Helmet (Act 3 – Investigate the Murders)

Hand Crossbow Gunslinger Bard

College of Swords Bard 6 / Thief Rogue 3 / Champion Fighter 3🔫

I was in love ever since I saw variations of this build from cRPG Bro and Mordarim on YouTube, and I’ve used it to great effect in my first Honour Mode run. It takes advantage of the College of Swords Slashing Grace ability, which lets you spend a Bardic Inspiration to make two attacks (with bonus damage!) for the price of one. There are melee and ranged versions of Slashing Grace, but the melee one is a more limited AOE, while the ranged attack lets you attack any two targets, or even double up on the same one.

More on Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 guide: Everything you need
Baldur’s Gate 3 tips: Be prepared
Baldur’s Gate 3 classes: Which to choose
Baldur’s Gate 3 multiclass builds: Coolest combos
Baldur’s Gate 3 romance: Who to pursue
Baldur’s Gate 3 co-op: How multiplayer works

Combine that with dual wielding, the Fighter’s Action Surge, and the Thief’s Fast Hands second bonus action (meaning an extra offhand attack for a dual wielder), and maybe a Haste spell for good measure, and you’ve got a character with among the highest potential attacks per round in the game.

Hand Crossbows really benefit from the Sharpshooter feat. Like Great Weapon Fighting, this grants you +10 to damage at the expense of -5 to your attack roll accuracy. Hand Crossbows are the only dual wieldable weapon in the game that can benefit from this sort of bonus, making them quietly one of the best weapon types in the game.

Sharpshooter’s much harder to use early on due to that accuracy penalty. For most of the first act I was toggling it on and off pretty regularly depending on enemy AC and what attack roll bonuses I could get. Spells like Bless definitely help, but I found Faerie Fire a real game changer—it gives you advantage on attack rolls against any enemies caught in the spell, effectively negating the Sharpshooter penalty. On Honour Mode especially though, this character’s capacity for talking their way out of conflict will be a real boon in the early game.

This build’s a bit of a glass cannon, especially with the Risky Ring that helps fully quash the Sharpshooter accuracy penalty—I always try to go for a beastly first round ambush with this character, with plenty of Potions of Invisibility in reserve for if I’m caught out.

I considered taking four levels of Thief for a second feat, but I prefer getting that third fighter level for the Champion’s Improved Critical Hit. With the right gear and Elixirs of Bloodlust, I was able to get a critical range of 15-20 by the end of the game. I reached 18 Dexterity thanks to Auntie Ethel’s Hair, and hit 20 Dex for much of the midgame with The Graceful Cloth, achieving a gear-free 20 early in Act 3 by using the Mirror of Loss accessible at the end of Shadowheart’s personal quest.

Recommended Skills: Persuade, Intimidate, Perform, Sleight of Hand

Starting Stats:

Strength: 8Dexterity: 17Constitution: 14Intelligence: 8Wisdom: 10Charisma: 16

Leveling Order:

1. Bard 12. Bard 23. Bard 3- College of Swords, Dual Wield Combat Style4. Bard 4 – Sharpshooter5. Bard 56. Bard 6 – Extra Attack7. Rogue 1 – Sneak Attack8. Rogue 29. Rogue 3 – Thief, Fast Hands10. Fighter 1 – Archery Combat Style11. Fighter 2 – Action Surge12. Fighter 3 – Champion, Improved Critical Hit

Notable Gear:

Gloves of Archery (Act 1 – Grat the Trader, Goblin Camp)Hand Crossbow +1 (Act 1 – Occasionally sold by Dammon)Auntie Ethel’s Hair (Act 1 – Save Mayrina)Caustic Band (Act 1 – Myconid Colony Dwarf Trader)Knife of the Undermountain King (Act 1 – Creche Y’llek Trader)Strange Conduit Ring (Act 1 – Creche Y’llek, use with the Ability Improvement spell for a fire-and-forget 1d4 damage bonus)Risky Ring (Act 2 – Araj Oblodra, Moonrise Towers)Hellfire Hand Crossbow (Act 2 – defeat Yurgir, Gauntlet of Shar)Hand Crossbow +2 (Act 3 – Lady Jannath’s Estate)Elegant Studded Leather (Act 3 – The Counting House)Fey Semblance Amulet (Act 3 – Avenge the Hag Survivors)Legacy of the Masters (Act 3 – Dammon, Lower City)Bloodthirst (Act 3 – Defeat Orin)Sarevok’s Helmet (Act 3 – Investigate the Murders)Greater Amulet of Health (Act 3 – House of Hope)Helldusk Gloves (Act 3 – House of Hope)

Master Martial Artist

Open Hand Monk 8 / Thief Rogue 4 👊

I’ve been sleeping on Monks in Baldur’s Gate 3—sometimes I’m really in the mood for a funky unarmored martial arts guy in D&D, but I wasn’t ready for it at Baldur’s Gate 3’s launch. The thing is, Open Hand Monks might be one of the straight-up strongest classes in the game. Here’s Divinity/BG3 buildsmith sin tee taking on the hardest boss of Act One with a solo level 7 Open Hand Monk as an example.

Monks have three real knockouts on offer: Flurry of Blows, Manifestation, and the Tavern Brawler feat. Flurry of Blows is an insane ability, giving you two full unarmed attacks for the price of one Bonus Action. Open Hand Monks get further variations on Flurry of Blows, but basically from level one Monks are able to attack three times per round.

Manifestation of Mind, Body, or Soul is a toggleable Open Hand ability that gives you bonus unarmed damage based on your Wisdom modifier. What’s more, the Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo available at the beginning of Act 3 let you add your Wisdom modifier to attacks again.

Tavern Brawler lets you double your Strength bonus on attacks, meaning a well-built Open Hand Monk will be doing double their Strength and Wisdom bonus in damage on every single attack, while attacking no less than four times a turn.

Adding in those four Thief levels gets us an extra Bonus Action (so more Flurry of Blows per round) with Fast Hands. When I use this build in my next Honour Mode run, I’m going to go for 8 Monk levels so I don’t miss the excellent level 7 ability Stillness of Mind, but you can also opt for two Fighter levels and get Action Surge instead—cRPG Bro on YouTube has a Monk guide along those lines.

Recommended Skills: Athletics, Insight, Persuade (at Thief levels if main character)

Starting Stats (this assumes you’ll be getting a +1 to Wisdom from Auntie Ethel’s Hair):

Strength: 17Dexterity: 14Constitution: 12Intelligence: 8Wisdom: 15Charisma: 8

Leveling Order:

1. Monk 12. Monk 23. Monk 3 – Way of the Open Hand, improved Flurry of Blows4. Monk 4 – Tavern Brawler (+1 Strength)5. Monk 5 – Extra Attack6. Monk 6 – Manifestation of Mind/Body/Soul, Wholeness of Body7. Monk 7 – Evasion, Stillness of Mind8. Monk 8 – ASI +2 Wisdom9. Rogue 1 – Sneak Attack, Skill Expertise10. Rogue 211. Rogue 3 – Thief, Fast Hands12. Rogue 4 – ASI +2 Wisdom OR Alert

Notable Gear:

Ring of Protection (Act 1 – Mol, Druid’s Grove)Gloves of Cinder and Sizzle (Act 1 – Lady Esther)Auntie Ethel’s Hair (Act 1 – Save Mayrina)Caustic Band (Act 1 – Underdark, Derryth Bonecloak)Disintegrating Nightwalkers (Act 1 – True Soul Nere)Armor of Uninhibited Kushigo (Act 1 – Underdark, Find the Missing Boots)The Mighty Cloth (Act 2 – Harper Quartermaster)Gloves of Crushing (Act 2 – Moonrise Towers, Roah Moonglow)Cloak of Protection (Act 2 – Harper Quartermaster)Darkfire Shortbow (Act 2 – Dammon)Hat of Uninhibited Kushigo (Act 2 – Harper Quartermaster)Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo (Act 3 – Intro Fight)Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (Act 3 – Sorcerous Sundries)Elixirs of Cloud Giant Strength (Act 3 – Abundant stock at various vendors)Fey Semblance Amulet (Act 3 – Avenge the Hag Survivors)Gontr Mael (Act 3 – Steel Watch Foundry)Gloves of Soul Catching (Act 3 – House of Hope)

Blackguard Warlock Smiter

Oathbreaker Paladin 7 / Pact of the Fiend Warlock 5 👿

A Paladin with some edge, or a full-on evil dark knight in the vein of AD&D’s Anti-Paladins or 3E D&D’s Blackguard prestige class. Pairs Warlock short rest spell slots with Divine Smite and both classes’ ample debuffs. Warlocks’ Pact of the Blade specialization (chosen at level 3) also gives a Pact Weapon Extra Attack per round that stacks with martial class’ normal Extra Attack, giving Martial/Warlock mutliclasses three attacks per round before even considering something like the Haste spell.Unfortunately, this build is slightly nerfed in Honour mode, with the Warlock and normal Extra Attacks no longer stacking as they do in other modes.

These guides from Mortismal Gaming and cRPG Bro on YouTube cover similar characters. Until you get Pact of the Blade, this build’s ample Dexterity will let you use finesse weapons effectively, and throughout the game a high Dexterity will help with Initiative so you have a high chance of attacking first in a combat encounter.

This build could also benefit from a dip into Fighter for Action Surge, but I like going for the seven levels of Oathbreaker for Aura of Hate, which means you’ll do double your Charisma bonus on damage rolls. CRPG Bro’s build further builds on this with the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength paired with Balduran’s Giantslayer. This effectively means you add your Charisma bonus twice and Strength once to every damage roll.

As a note, the Dark Urge origin will break a Paladin’s Oath of Devotion as part of their main story in act 1, and Durge Oathbreakers have additional, special dialogue with the Oathbreaker Knight.

Recommended skills: Persuasion, Intimidate, Athletics

Starting Stats:

Strength: 8Dexterity: 16Constitution: 14Intelligence: 8Wisdom: 10Charisma: 17

Leveling Order:

1. Paladin 12. Paladin 2 – Divine Smite3. Warlock 14. Warlock 25. Warlock 3 – Pact of the Blade (Charisma bonus to attack and damage)6. Warlock 4 – ASI – +2 Charisma OR Great Weapon Fighting7. Warlock 5 – Blade Pact Extra Attack8. Paladin 39. Paladin 4 – ASI +2 Charisma OR Polearm Master (if using Hellbeard Halberd)10. Paladin 5 – Extra Attack11. Paladin 612. Paladin 7 – Aura of Hate

Notable Gear:

Sword of Justice (Act 1 – Our Fiery Friend)Auntie Ethel’s Hair (Act 1 – Save Mayrina)Caustic Band (Act 1 – Myconid Colony Dwarf vendor)Adamantine Splint Mail (Act 1 – Grymforge)Charge-Bound Warhammer (Act 2 – Dammon’s Smithy)Reaper’s Embrace (Act 2 – Final boss)Armour of Persistence (Act 3 – Dammon’s Smithy, Lower City)Legacy of the Masters (Act 3 – Dammon, Lower City)Hellbeard Halberd (Act 3 – Devil’s Fee Special Stock, Lower City)Sword of Chaos (Act 3 – Investigate the Murders)Birthright (Act 3 – Sorcerous Sundries)Balduran’s Giantslayer (Act 3 – Under Wyrm’s Rock *best paired with Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength)Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength (Act 3 – House of Hope *If using Balduran’s Giantslayer)

Paladin Batman

Oath of Vengeance Paladin 5 / Thief or Assassin Rogue 4 / Champion Fighter 3 🌚🗡️

Paladin’s got one slight disadvantage over its Baldur’s Gate 3 brethren—it’s pretty slow. Unless you want to sacrifice one of your spell slots (those are forsmiting,anyway) you can be left feeling like you’re dragging your feet. Now introducing: the Paladin Batman build!

You trade off your spell slot progression, meaning your Divine Smites will be a touch less meaty, but Sneak Attack doesn’t require a spell slot—so what you trade out burst damage you make up for in sustainability. The real star of the show here is Cunning Action: Dash, Disengage, and Hide. Being able to double your speed as a bonus action, for free, forever? It’s good on any class, butespeciallyPaladin, considering how pigeon-holed they are into melee.

This build can either be angled toward a Thief, with a focus on dual wielding, or an Assassin, with the dueling combat style and a finesse weapon with a shield. The only downside to a Thief and dual wielding is that you can’t unlock the Dual Wielding Combat Style until your first Fighter level very late in the game.

Recommended Skills: Sleight of Hand, Persuade

Starting Attributes:

Strength: 8Dexterity: 17Constitution:14Intelligence: 8Wisdom: 10Charisma: 16

Leveling Order:

1. Paladin 1 – Dueling Combat Style or Defense Combat Style2. Rogue 13. Paladin 24. Paladin 35. Paladin 4 – Dexterity +26. Paladin 57. Rogue 28. Rogue 3 – Assassin or Thief9. Rogue 4 – Charisma + 2 OR Dual Wielder10. Fighter 1 – Defense Combat Style or Dual Wielding Combat Style11. Fighter 2 – Action Surge12. Fighter 3 – Champion

Recommended Gear:

Auntie Ethel’s Hair (Act 1 – Save Mayrina)Caustic Band (Act 1 – Myconid Colony Dwarf Trader)Knife of the Undermountain King (Act 1 – Creche Y’llek Trader)Yuan-Ti Scale Mail (Act 2 – Harper Quartermaster)Flawed Helldusk Gloves (Act 2 – Bring Dammon Infernal Iron)Duellist’s Prerogative (Act 3 – Save Vanra)Legacy of the Masters (Act 3 – Dammon, Lower City)Armor of Agility (Act 3 – Stormshore Armoury)Bloodthirst (Act 3 – Defeat Orin)Helldusk Armour (Act 3 – House of Hope)Sarevok’s Helmet (Act 3 – Investigate the Murders)

Olympic Shotputter Barbarian

Berserker Barbarian 5 / Thief Rogue 4 / Champion Fighter 3🪓💪😤

Berserkers are just strong no matter how you slice them, but few RPGs have throwing weapons as insanely strong as Baldur’s Gate 3, so it’d be a damn shame not to take advantage. ‘Zerkers get Bonus Action throws while using their Barbarian Rage, and the Thief subclass gives you an extra Bonus Action—that’s a no brainer combo.

Add in a surprising number of feats and items to improve thrown weapon damage, as well as a few notable weapons that return to your hand every time you throw them, and you’ve got a unique character who’s crazy strong and that you can only really make in Baldur’s Gate 3. Sin tee and cRPG Bro have great breakdowns of this sort of character, and this build is basically tailor-made for Karlach.

Also note: you can just swap out the equipment and the Tavern Brawler feat and still have a beastly melee damage dealer. If you’re playing your ‘zerker as a thrower, though, I’d recommend going weapon and shield with Nyrulna in the endgame—two handing it won’t give you bonus damage.

Recommended Skills: lol, Athletics I guess?

Starting Stats:

Strength: 17Dexterity: 14Constitution: 16Intelligence: 8Wisdom: 10Charisma: 8

Leveling Order:

1. Barbarian 12. Barbarian 23. Barbarian 3 – Berserker4. Barbarian 4 – Tavern Brawler (+1 Strength)5. Barbarian 5 – Extra Attack6. Rogue 17. Rogue 28. Rogue 3 – Thief, Fast Hands9. Rogue 4 – Strength +2 (save Potion of Everlasting Vigour for after this bonus) Alternately: Alert10. Fighter 111. Fighter 2 – Action Surge12. Fighter 3 – Champion

Notable Gear:

Returning Pike (Act 1 – Grat the Trader, Goblin Camp)Ring of Flinging (Act 1 – Aaron, Druid’s Grove)Caustic Band (Act 1 – Myconid Colony Dwarf Trader)The Mighty Cloth (Act 2 – Harper Quartermaster)Enraging Heart Garb (Act 2 – Lann Tarv, Moonrise Towers)Potion of Everlasting Vigour (Act 2 – Moonrise Towers, Araj Oblodra)Nyrulna (Act 3 – Rivington, Expose Akabi)Sarevok’s Helmet (Act 3 – Investigate the Murders)Horns of the Berserker (Act 3 – Rivington, Danthelon’s shop)Legacy of the Masters (Act 3 – Dammon, Lower City)

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