Grand Theft Auto 6 was announced way back in February 2022—though there’s been precious little information since then, bar a series of leaks later in the year. Rockstar Games itself has been hush-hush on the details, only really promising that it ‘needs to be something you’ve never seen before‘.
One fan has searched for the truth in an, uh—unconventional way, by walking onto the set of a completely unrelated TV show and begging the German public to please give him some information on GTA6, as posted to Twitter/X by user MichaelSchachel.
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The superfan, sporting nothing but a beanie and raw determination, strode onto the set of Doppelpass to petition its hosts for insider info. Doppelpass is a German TV show that covers the Bundesliga football league—not exactly where you’d go for insider information about a yet-unreleased video game. The set invader, who postures like he’s about to give a TED talk, is quickly derailed by a bystander who dumps a bottle of water on him, dousing the burning fire of his enthusiasm with 500ml of H2O.
This isn’t even the first time he’s done this. Back in 2021, this man strode onto the set of Germany’s Beat the Star (Schlag den Raab) to ask “Where the hell is GTA6?” The host handled it a little more graciously, simply responding “I don’t need that, I haven’t beaten 5 yet” before the interloper was escorted off-stage.
Granted, GTA 5 was released almost 10 years ago in 2013, meaning fans have been waiting almost as long as the poor Elder Scrolls fans for a proper sequel. Rockstar’s turned it into a full live-service game, sure, but that’s not exactly a replacement. To put it in perspective, GTA 4 was released in 2008, 5 years before its sequel—so the wait time has doubled. Granted, Rockstar Games also released the mega open-world monolith Red Dead Redemption 2, so it’s not as if it’s been sitting on its hands.
Still, there have to be better ways than foisting your gamer upset onto the unsuspecting German public and its baffled TV hosts—just as there are more professional responses than hucking a bottle of water over the guy. GTA 6 still doesn’t have a release date, so these pleas aren’t likely to be met with success, and I’m left wondering if anybody actually got what they wanted.