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How to humble Ake in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

The Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Sigrblot Summer festival is in full swing, and there’s a new opportunity to put your Viking rap skills to the test. As part of The War Effort quest, you’ll need to Humble Ake. In other words, you need to beat the arrogant sod in a Flyting contest. He’s relatively easy to beat in comparison to other Flyting challenges, so don’t worry too much about it.

That said, if you’ve ignored Flyting thus far, or you just need a refresher, check out our Valhalla Flyting guide. You have until August 25 to complete the Sigrblot Festival quests, but it shouldn’t take you that long. You’ll also need to throw a feast and help Thyra with a sacrifice to complete The War Effort questline.

So, here are the answers you need to humble Ake in Valhalla.

AC Valhalla Ake answers: How to humble him

There are two ways to begin this quest after returning to Ravensthorpe. You can either find the roasted pig near the offering boat and interact with it to unlock the quest or speak to Ake directly.

If you want the maximum return of 200 Festival Tokens, do a few other activities first, such as calling a feat at the longhouse or applying a tattoo. Otherwise, you’ll only be able to make a small bet of 20 Tokens.

Like many Flyting challenges, you’re looking for the answer that rhymes the best. To win the challenge and receive 200 Tokens, these are the answers to pick:

First answer: While I fight and I bleed. You turn honey to mead.Second answer: A calm life is yours to choose. I draw blood, you nurse your brews!Third answer: You are drunk or insane, with rank rot in your brain.Fourth answer: In due time you’ll be skilled. ‘Til then, wait, lest you’re killed.

Eivor will then make a quip about taking Ake down and the challenge is complete. As you carry on with the rest of the War Effort questline, you’ll hear a few tidbits about the spectacular loot to be plundered in Francia.

In the meantime, how about you go and try to beat Alwin at a game of Orlog?

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