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How to get Delicate Tomb in Destiny 2

Delicate Tomb is the new season pass weapon for the Season of Plunder, and this fancy arc fusion rifle is the perfect accompaniment to the new arc 3.0 subclasses. Slightly different from your run-of-the-mill fusion rifle, this bad boy fires horizontal waves of arc that disintegrate opponents and grants a chance to drop Ionic Traces from them.

Ionic Traces only used to be available to Warlocks, but collecting them grants energy for all your abilities. If you pick up an Ionic Trace and then shoot another enemy with Delicate Tomb, they’ll become Jolted, which basically means they’ll start sending out arc to other enemies, electrifying them in turn. If you’re a warlock using the Electostatic Mind aspect, you can also become amplified whenever you pick up an Ionic Trace, which is very strong.

So, if you’re planning to go all-in this season, here’s how to get the Delicate Tomb exotic fusion rifle and its catalyst. If you missed the big Bungie livestream, you may also be interested in the new destination of Neptune, the Strand subclass, and the announcement that Bungie are adding loadouts and an LFG-style fireteam finder with Lightfall.

Destiny 2 Delicate Tomb: How to get the season pass exotic

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In order to get Delicate Tomb, you have two options: you can purchase the season pass for the Season of Plunder for 1,000 Silver and get it immediately. You can get Silver from Tess Everis at Eververse in the Tower or in the store in your menu.

1,000 Silver is approximately $9.99, but it gives you access to the lower track of the season pass, which features unique rewards such as a sparrow, a ghost, a cosmetic armor set, and of course, Delicate Tomb. The second option is getting to level 35 on the free season pass, which will also unlock it for you. The best way to do this is by completing bounties from vendors as well as activities.

Once you have Delicate Tomb, you’ll also unlock the ability to get its catalyst, improving the weapon’s performance. Head to Banshee in the Tower and he’ll give you the mission. Catalysts are usually a bit of a grind, and require you to kill lots of enemies using that particular weapon, but once you unlock it, Delicate Tomb will gain a powerful secondary ability.

In this case, the upgrade is that collecting Ionic Traces will partially reload the magazine. Given that Destiny 2 is a game fundamentally about finding ways to avoid manually reloading, this will be well worth grabbing.

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