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Everything you need to know about Diablo Immortal servers

Looking for a list of Diablo Immortal servers? Diablo Immortal was originally intended as a mobile-only game, and its announcement at BlizzCon 2018 caused quite a bit of backlash. In April, Blizzard revealed that it would arrive on PC, too, and at the very least it should serve to give us a dose of demon-slaying while we (impatiently) wait for Diablo 4.

If you’re planning to dive into Sanctuary with friends, it’s a good idea to pick a server to play on beforehand. At launch at least, you won’t be able to play with people on different servers. It’s entirely possible that cross-server play will be enabled in the future, but for now, you’re better off coordinating with friends before you get started. So with that in mind, here’s a list of every Diablo Immortal server, and how to check if they’re down.

Server list

Diablo Immortal server list

There’s a whole load of servers to choose from across various regions, and catering to different languages. Here’s a full list:

North America: West

CaldesannKanaiEternal CrownDeckard CainZoltun KulleSand ScorpionsStormshieldOld GrowthThe SoulstonesKhalim’s WillThe GidbinnCult of DamnationPurus the DecimatorBlack AbyssThe TriuneDry SteppesAmber BladesHalls of the BlindStar of AzkaranthWailing BeastHeart of the OakCrescent MoonCall to ArmsChains of HonorHand of JusticeBreath of the DyingPandemoniumBurning HellsEnd of Days

North America: East

Sin WarPrime EvilsTree of InifussSoul SiphonSandro the MouthThe MalusIceburn TearThe WorldstoneHelliquarySilver SpirePlains of DespairArcane SanctuaryThe CuratorThe FallenRisen DeadDarkening of TristramGreedThe Last VestigeMeshifUrehAlbrechtLysanderWirtHadrielMask of JeramArkaine’s ValorDoombringerTown PortalEternal Conflict

South America (Spanish)


South America (Portuguese)


Europe (English)

Dark ExileArreat SummitSightless EyeThe UnspokenAngiris CouncilBlood RoseThe CountessTalva SilvertongueThe ButcherStone of JordanThe VoidCathedral of LightArchbishop LazarusDark WandererThe HellforgeThe AncientsTrade ConsortiumYshari SanctumGharbad the WeakThe BorderlandsThe MartyrSea of LightCrystal ArchDiamond GatesThorned HulkWood WraithOblivion KnightThrone of DestructionStygian Fury

Europe (French)


Europe (German)


Europe (Spanish)


Europe (Italian)


Europe (Polish)


East Asia (Korean)

RayekLethesTal RashaTassiVataosDaedessaAskariKashyaZakaSargothNamariEnneadQue-HeganGriswoldHarlequin CrestCydaea



Server status

How to check if Diablo Immortal servers are down

The launch of any live-service game can be rocky, and you should expect some congestion for the first few days. If you’re having trouble connecting to the Diablo Immortal servers, there are a few places you can check for widespread issues.

The Blizzard CS Twitter is generally up-to-date with most problems affecting Blizzard games, and the official Blizzard forums are also a good place to check to see if other players are reporting similar issues.

If you still can’t connect to the game, it’s worth double-checking your own connection to make sure the issue isn’t with your own network.

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