Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 will come crashing to an end next week in Collision, a “one-time in-game event” that will finally decide the fate of the Zero Point. The big finish will kick off at 1 pm PT/4 pm ET on June 4, with the Collision playlist set to go live 30 minutes ahead of the start time to give players time to group up into squads of four and get ready for the fight.
To celebrate the end of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2, all players who log into the game after 8 am ET on the day of the event will be given an exclusive loading screen and lobby track. Replays of the Collision event will not be available, however—it really is a one-off—so if you want to be able to relive the glory of the moment at some point down the road, you’ll need to record and archive the event yourself.
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The end of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 also means the end of your chance to finish quests and unlock rewards, so before the clock hits zero you’ll want to be sure to:
Complete Prowler’s Special QuestsGather any remaining Omni Chips to unlock variants of the Omni Sword pickaxeTrade in any remaining Battle Stars in exchange for rewards
Or, at the very least, resign yourself to not getting it done—whatever degree of effort works best for you. Unused Battle Stars will be automatically redeemed for the earliest available rewards, but unspent Omni Chips will simply be lost to the cruel void of time.