The Fortnite x Dragon Ball crossover recently launched in Epic’s all-conquering, brand-crossing metaverse, introducing OTT elements from the series as well as four characters (Son Goku, Vegeta, Bulma and Beerus). Mainly, though, players like the Kamehameha special attack, which is both fun to say out loud and a giant opponent-slaying energy beam launched in midair.
The move has to be acquired before using (here’s how to get it) and does seem slightly overpowered, melting through opponents in seconds, but that is why players love it. I mean, the Kamehameha is supposed to be this legendary baddie-boshing finishing move, so it feels like it should be capable of taking out John Cena.
The amusement factor, though, is partly the move itself but then the wider world of Fortnite. You can pull this off with all sorts of characters, accessories, and emotes around it, leading to the daftest combination imaginable. We’ll get to the wackier ones, but first some of the more straightforward DBZ love, contextualised by Fortnite’s array of branded expression:
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Here are two DBZ characters winning a match with the move, after which Goku does Gangnam Style in celebration.
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Of course, it doesn’t always go to plan… bit of strong language near the end of this one.
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Part of the fun is that it’s not just the DBZ characters pulling off this ludicrous move. Here’s Twitter user Robin, with a video of said incident following: “I opened up Fortnite and in my first game while I was talking to Bulma, Rick Sanchez leaped out of the water like a dolphin and kahmehameha’s me, killing me instantly.”
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The move is also reminiscent of another classic videogame special, Ryu’s Shinku Hadoken. Fortnite being Fortnite, Ryu is ready to go with the Kamehameha.
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And if one Kamehameha isn’t enough…
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Here’s a moment for the DBZ canon:
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In the wider sense, Fortnite is also now something of a playground duelling dream. Who would win in a fight between Son Goku and Naruto? The question is no longer theoretical, and can be answered as many times as one likes.
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I mean, forget anime for a moment. Here’s John Wick getting Kamehameha-nuked by LeBron James:
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Darth Vader getting splooshed by Venom’s Kamehameha:
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I also saw a clip where Darth Vader won a match by Kamehameha-ing, while wearing an Among Us backpack, then celebrated with the Naruto run emote. But the guy’s screaming afterwards was so unpleasant I’ll spare you the reality and just let that scene linger in the imagination.
Which is probably why I really feel this tweet:
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The DBZ crossover with Fortnite runs until September 17, with various events rolling out across the length of it.