Ghostwire: Tokyo, might get DLC and a sequel or two after its director has expressed interest in expanding the story. Kenji Kimura, in a new interview, has expressed his hopes of continuing the story of the ghoulish game once “things calm down a bit”.
In an interview with IGN Japan, the Ghostwire: Tokyo director seems excited at the prospect of more Ghostwire. The translation of the interview (via GamesRadar) reads: “I think that when things calm down a bit more, and when I’ve cooled down a bit more, I’ll have ideas for DLC and sequels, and I’ll want to make them. Nothing has been decided yet, so I can’t tell you anything more than that.”
Kimura has previously said he was not opposed to making DLC back in March to Wccftech, but now it looks like new games are also potentially on the cards. Without spoiling too much of the story of Ghostwire, the ending of the game is pretty final. If there were to be sequels I’d be rooting for a new protagonist and a city, maybe Kyoto for example.
Some deeper fighting mechanics, new powers, different arrows would all be welcome additions to the game. Though very pretty and definitely good fun when you dove in, it lacked a little of the depth I was looking for, which was one of the sticking points in my Ghostwire: Tokyo review. But if there was DLC and/or more games, I’d look forward to dipping my toes in once again.
This news might be a little scary for The Evil Within fans, though, as that has been Tango Gameworks’ bread and butter. If Ghostwire is now the studio’s future focus, who knows when that series will rear its head again.