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How to change your appearance in Hogwarts Legacy

If you’ve grown tired of looking at the Victorian-era teenage version of yourself you created in Hogwarts Legacy, worry not, as you can change your appearance whenever you like—for a small fee, of course. There’s also the option to change the appearance of your robes and attire by collecting alternative looks that will take your style out of the dark (arts) ages and have you looking like a sophisticated young wizard or witch.

How to change your character’s appearance

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Unlike many other open-world RPGs, you have the option of changing your character’s hair colour and style, eye colour, complexion, and eyebrows. Unfortunately, you’re stuck with the face you created—this isn’t the Witcher universe where sorceresses can change their bone structure on a whim.

Once you’ve unlocked Hogsmeade, you’ll be able to access the barber’s shop, Madam Snelling’s Tress Emporium. Each change you make costs 20 coins, so as long as you have enough spare cash, you can go from a buzzcut to having long, bright pink locks with the wave of a wand. You can also get a few scars to look extra gnarly if you want.

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How to change your gear’s appearance

Despite each piece of gear having its own look, you can earn new styles by completing quests and challenges, such as Duelling Feats. Open your gear menu and hover over an item, such as neckwear. You’ll see a prompt to change appearance, so head into that menu. Items are sorted into Collections and Other, with certain items belonging to specific outfit sets, like the Dark Arts collection, which is perfect if you’re going for the enchanted goth look.

Changing the appearance won’t affect the gear’s buffs—even though it’ll look completely different you’ll still retain all your offensive and defensive stats, you’ll just look less like a dork. Or you can wear glasses that make it look like you have reptilian eyes and weird yourself out every time you see your character in a cutscene.


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