Conquer Elgado with these Sunbreak guides
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Photographing the three Sunbreak Cohoots scattered across Elgado Outpost is one of the trickier requests in the new Monster Hunter Rise expansion, but it rewards you with an amazing layered armor headpiece: a full-on Cohoot mask. You’ll get the request from Pasapato the Historian near the canteen quite early on, and will likely spend your time running around Elgado in search of them.
I inadvertently took a million pictures of my own Cohoot during the process, but there’s actually a bit of a trick to completing this request that isn’t obvious at all. In this Sunbreak Cohoot guide, I’ll explain where to find all three birds in Elgado so you can snap the pics, and get that ridiculous looking mask.
Sunbreak Cohoot locations: Where to find the third bird in Elgado
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Now, the most important thing to say is that you can’t actually complete this request when it’s first given to you, which is kind of mean. This is because there are only two Cohoots in Elgado at this point. You can find the first near Admiral Galleus in the Command Post, and your own Cohoot will follow you around Elgado landing at the Buddy Board, the Canteen, near Chichae the Quest Damsel, or in the Command Post.
You’ll have to progress through the story to unlock the third Cohoot. During MR 4, you’ll be prompted to go ask Kagero the Merchant about finding his friend, Doctor Tadori. Once you complete the following urgent quest to defeat an Astalos, the doctor will join you at Elgado Outpost and guess what? He brings his Cohoot with him. Simply head to the Command Post to photograph the final Cohoot resting next to Tadori on his backpack. Return the request to Pasapato and you’ll be able to equip the mask in your master rank layered armor.