Themed gaming chairs come out every other week, so it takes something special to get us to sit down and take notice. In this case it’s because one of our favourite chairmakers, Secretlab has partnered with a very beloved PC Gaming title, The Witcher.
Secretlab makes seriously excellent gaming chairs. Not only do Secretlab chairs top our list of best gaming chairs in 2021, but the Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 gaming chair even sits atop our list of all PC related products we loved this year.
Meanwhile The Witcher TV series launched its second season just recently, this chair can’t be a coincidence. Plus the scripts for Netflix’s third season are almost finished. Netflix hardly lets anything get to that many seasons anymore, so this has to be saying something about the popularity of the franchise.
The chair is the same model as our favoured Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 but with some frankly excellent Witcher touches. I noticed straight away the two white stencil style swords on the back of the seat, one silver and the other steel, so you can be ready for monsters or man while in this chair. PvP or PvE, I suppose.
The emblem from the Wolf school, better known as Geralt of Rivia’s very own school of Witchers, features prominently front and centre on the chair. Above it and to the left is the autograph of the Grey Wolf himself, though we’re not sure what conjunction of the spheres happened to make that possible. Then, on either side of the front there’s a studded diamond pattern reminiscent of the armour from the game.
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But wait, that’s not all. The chair also comes with a couple of collectible physical Gwent cards, one which features either Geralt, Triss, Yennefer, or Ciri, and the other features the actual chair. The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt collector’s edition came with two decks of Gwent cards that you could actually play against each other, and I’m more than a little curious to know how Chair Card could strengthen my deck. Probably by being very comfortable and looking cool.
The Witcher 3 Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 goes for a base price of $529 USD, £429 GPB, or $709 AUD direct from the Secretlab website at the moment. This may change as Secretlab is currently having Xmas sales, but a nice new chair is probably one of the better presents you can offer your back. One with two swords is definitely a bonus.