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Palworld breeding guide and the best breeding combos

Though breeding Pals in Palworld is a lengthy and expensive process, it’s a worthwhile investment if you want a steady source of eggs to hatch. Sure, you can find eggs out in the world, but doing it yourself lets you decide the best breeding combo in terms of valuable traits you want to retain.

It’s certainly a process of trial and error, but selectively breeding your rarest and most valuable Pals allows you to combine work suitabilities with the right traits, create the perfect speedy Palworld mount, or even Pals that are super powerful in combat. Since acquiring new Pals provides XP, it can also be a way to steadily level up even when hanging out at your base. Here are some of the best Pal breeding combos with an explainer on how to actually breed them below.

Palworld Breeding Combos

The first step in choosing Pals to breed is determining whether they’re male or female—you can do this when you inspect them via the gender symbol next to their name. It’s best to choose either Lucky Pals, Alpha Pals, or your rarest Pals, since these often produce huge eggs and better offspring.

If possible, while breeding Pals, make sure to use those with strong passive skills that you want to pass down to the offspring—indicated by the three gold chevrons symbol. The best breeding combinations take into account what role the Pal will be performing, and what skills will best help it in efficiently carrying that out, whether it’s working on the base, or fighting.

Breeding a perfect set of passive skills doesn’t work the way you’d assume, either. Based on a lot of player research, it seems that the most reliable way to have a Pal inherit the desired passive traits from its parents is to use two parents with separate, desired skills. So if you have a dream combo of four passive skills, make sure one parent has two of them and the other parent has the other two instead of using two parents with the same four passive skills.

Best breeding combos

If you’re looking for some of the best Palworld breeding combos be sure to check the table below. While there are multiple ways to breed certain epic Pals, the ones listed here are my favorite pairings, since most of them don’t require Pals that are hard to find, and they let you claim useful and epic rarity Pals that are great for combat and come with strong utilities and work suitabilities earlier than you’d find otherwise.

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Pal Parents Notable suitabilities, etc.
Anubis Celaray + Relaxaurus Handiwork Lv4, Mining Lv3
Faleris Anubis + Vanwyrm Kindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3, fast flying mount
Verdash Eikthyrdeer + Direhowl Handiwork Lv3, Gathering Lv3
Lyleen Petallia + Mossanda Planting Lv4, Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3
Grizzbolt Mossanda + Rayhound Generating Electricty Lv3, Transporting Lv3
Jormuntide Relaxaurus + Elizabee Watering Lv4
Kitsun Gumoss + Sweepa Kindling Lv2
Rayhound Direhowl + Sweepa Generating Electricity Lv2
Vanwyrm Melpaca + Sweepa Transporting Lv3
Quivern Nitewing + Relaxaurus Transporting Lv3, good flying mount
Orserk Grizzbolt + Relaxaurus Generating Electricity Lv4, Transporting Lv3
Wumpo Penking + Sweepa Transporting Lv4, Deforesting Lv3
Warsect Mossanda + Lyleen Transporting Lv3, Deforesting Lv3, increases player defense in combat
Pyrin Mossanda + Relaxaurus Kindling Lv2, fastest non-legendary ground mount

Palworld breeding calculator

There are often only a few ways of breeding epic Pals, but the lower the rarity, the more combinations become possible in terms of your choice of parents. If you’re looking for every possible parental mix in order to hatch a certain Pal, then a Palworld breeding calculator is a great tool to use. While I can’t speak for every single combination listed, all of those that I’ve bred through this one have been correct, so it should be able to help you get whatever Pal you need.


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How to breed Pals

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Before you’re ready to breed your Pals in Palworld, you need to do two main things:

Research and build the breeding farmBake a cake

These both require a fair bit of work, especially if you want your breeding farm to run like clockwork. First off, you can research the breeding farm at level 19, but it doesn’t require any difficult materials. Make sure you build it in a nice open area that doesn’t clip into anything, since otherwise Pals can get confused and leave mid-process.

The next step is baking that cake. You’ll need to research and construct the cooking pot at level 17, as well as the mill and wheat plantation at level 15. Ideally, you’ll also have at least one ranch so you can get a steady flow of the necessary ingredients:

Five flourEight red berriesSeven milkEight eggsTwo honey

While you can get all of these ingredients by catching or killing Pals, it’s easier to produce them in-base. For the ideal ingredient farm, you’ll want to build a ranch and then capture and assign Chikipee, Mozzarina, and Beegarde to produce eggs, milk, and honey respectively. Make sure your wheat plantation—and any red berry plantations you already have—are being worked, too, so you can process wheat into flour at the mill.

I’d also suggest that you research and build the cooler box at level 12 near the ranch to store the ingredients, increase how long they last, and prevent them from landing in the feed box and getting eaten by other Pals.Sweepa is one of the best Pals for cooling, but Pengullet or Chillet will also do.

Finally, you’re ready to make your cake at the cooking pot. Since it takes a long time, it’s better to use a Pal with level 2 or 3 kindling like Arsox or Wixen. Once done, take the cake and place it in the box at the breeding farm—one cake will make one egg, hence why it’s important to choose your breeding Pals wisely.

Once you’re ready to get your Pals breeding, simply:

Assign them to your basePick them up one by one with F and place them in the breeding farmMake sure there’s a cake in the boxAn egg will be produced once the progress wheel fillsPlace your egg in the incubator to hatch it

Pals don’t require a cake in order to fill the breeding progress wheel—it’ll simply stay full until a cake is available. Cakes take significantly longer to make than breeding does, though, so you’ll want to have one ready whenever possible.

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