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Pizza chef stopped playing Starfield on his day off to turn his breakfast into cubes

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You don’t have to spend 12 hours in Starfield to stumble into Chunks, the futuristic food items that are shaped like cubes. There’s a Chunks apple on your first spaceship and a Chunks restaurant in the first city you visit. Everyone in the year 2330 is eating Chunks, and it’s what prompted one chef to see if he could “chunkify” his own food.

Last week, Denis Fisher posted a photo of his real life Chunks breakfast on Reddit. Nestled next to a puddle of beans is a cube of egg and a cube of Spam. Fisher used a silicone ice cube mold to poach the egg and carved out a cube of Spam from the oblong shape it comes in. Starfield doesn’t have an equivalent to Chunks Spam, but the Chunks egg looks pretty much identical to Fisher’s version.

The Starfield subreddit blew up the post and took it as an opportunity to discuss Bethesda’s newest food invention since Nuka-Cola. But several commenters wondered why Fisher didn’t chunkify the beans. So, I asked him, and his answer is exactly the kind of thing someone who owns a restaurant would say.

“I saw a lot of people in the comments of the Reddit post saying I should have used gelatine to chunkify the beans,” he said. “That would work, but I don’t really want to eat cold jellied beans. It’s important to me for these kinds of experiments that the food must be something I’d want to eat so nothing gets wasted.”

Fisher owns a pizza place in Glasgow, Scotland called The Pizza Cult where he regularly experiments with different ingredients to serve on weekends. Last weekend, he made a pizza with meaty chestnut mushrooms, ricotta cheese, Parma ham, and a drizzle of puréed tomato sauce on top. He also serves a mushroom and Burrata pizza, which you can order, along with his other creations, at his stand at The Barras Market, located at the east end of the city.

On his day off, Fisher had planned to spend it exploring planets in Starfield, but got hungry for breakfast an hour into playing it. It was the Spam sitting in his cupboard, with its signature oblong shape, that inspired him to chunkify it. All it needed was a chunkified egg and some beans to become an English breakfast.

Now he’s thinking of what to chunkify next. “The cheesecake would be a fun one,” he said. “Also, I’ve wanted to try that cubed layered potato thing that went viral a while ago, so maybe that could also join the party.”

Tragically, pizza doesn’t seem to exist in Starfield’s (dystopian, you might argue) sci-fi universe. The folks at Chunks offer Chunks pumpkin pie and Chunks wine, but no Chunks pizza. It’s a flaw Fisher hopes Bethesda fixes with DLC. I suggested that he make his own Chunks pizza to rally people for the cause. And he agrees. “For sure. I might have a play around when I’m at the unit next weekend.”

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