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How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry

Want to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry? Both her and Dylan make for a fun duo in the later stages of the game, so it’s understandable that you’d want to keep her alive, but if you don’t take the right precautions early on, it becomes pretty difficult. One of the most important steps to ensure her survival is actually all the way back in chapter 1.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through what you need to do to keep Kaitlyn alive and to stop her being infected. This also includes a lot of the necessary steps to ensure Dylan lives as well. There are lots of spoilers in this guide, so be sure to leave now if you don’t want any.

How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry

Besides passing quicktime events in other chapters, here’s what you have to do in order to keep Kaitlyn alive in The Quarry:

Chapter 1: While playing as Abigail and Emma, break into the cabin to grab the bags to provide a hiding spot later. Also, make sure to grab the stuffed animal to act as a decoy for Caleb in chapter 10.Chapter 5: When Dylan gets bitten in the radio hut, choose Terrified – Chainsaw as Ryan to chop off his arm. This will ensure he goes with Kaitlyn later and doesn’t get infected.Chapter 9: In the scrapyard when operating the crane as Dylan, select Lift Car – Slam Car then pass the quicktime event to drop the car on the werewolf, saving Kaitlyn.Chapter 10: The final step in saving Kaitlyn is killing or trapping Caleb. While playing as Kaitlyn and Dylan in the lodge, Caleb will attack in werewolf form. Select Run – Beam – Hide and complete the quicktime events. If Abigail and Emma are in Hackett’s office and they have the silver shells, they can pass one to Kaitlyn. Otherwise, you’ll end up in the kitchen. Choose Freezer – Use decoy to trap Caleb, that is, if you grabbed the stuffed animal in chapter 1.

If you want to help another character survive the ordeal, saving Kaitlyn and trapping Caleb is also a vital part of how you save Nick.

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