The internet is riddled with unsubstantiated rumors and leaks, but new screenshots of both Returnal and Sackboy: A Big Adventure appearing to run on PC are very convincing and, if fake, impressive in their own right.
A reddit user by the name of EmpressOfSony has uploaded a series of screenshots showing in-game menus for both Returnal and Sackboy, highlighting the PC graphics options and control schemes for each. According to the screenshots, Returnal will allow PC users to control the maximum framerate (which can be unlocked), as well as other settings like shadow quality, ray-traced shadows and reflections, and lighting.
Here are the screenshots:
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Returnal is almost certainly coming to PC anyway, leaks or not. A Steam listing dated May 26 all but confirmed a PC port, albeit in a cryptic way, and Returnal for PC popped up on that Nvidia GeForce leak.
As for Sackboy, it too appeared on the Nvidia list, and seems like a dead certainty for PC treatment anyway, given that it’s not Bloodborne, and that’s what everyone wants. Even people who think they don’t want Bloodborne on PC, secretly, deep down, want it.
Many expected Sony to announce Returnal for PC during today’s State of Play livestream, but instead we got Spider-Man Remastered, which hits Steam on August 12. It will join the list of other recent Sony ports including Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War and Days Gone.