Squanch Games, the makers of Trover Saves the Universe, unveiled its next game during today’s big Xbox/Bethesda Showcase: High On Life, a tale of a high-schooler with a talking gun who become an intergalactic bounty hunter following an alien invasion of Earth.
This is not your usual alien invasion: It is in fact an alien drug cartel, led by a goon named Garmantuous, who aims to enslave humanity and use them as a new drug—probably best not to think too much about how that works. To fight them off, players will work with (and, apparently, sometimes against) NPCs, collect upgrades, and assemble an arsenal of other weapons, which also talk, and have their own unique personalities and gameplay. Hunters will travel between planets to visit a range of “dynamic and changing worlds,” filled with unusual fauna, “alien weirdos,” and Hunter Challenges.
“We like to flex our creative muscles and try new things. If you look at our previous work, I think you’ll pick up on that,” Squanch studio director Mike Fridley said. “At the same time, Justin’s unique comedic voice ties all of our games together. We want fans to be able to look at one of our games and immediately know that it’s from Squanch. They know it’ll be funny, but that it’ll also be a great experience that’s fun to play. High On Life is a first-person shooter, and we’re taking what we love about that genre and pushing it in a really squanchy direction.”
“I wanted to make games that I wanted to play, and that was the spark that sort of lit the fire of Squanch Games,” said Squanch Games founder Justin Roiland, better known as the creator of Rick and Morty. “Then we shipped Trover, we shipped Accounting+, and now we’re on this absolute dream game that we were kind of building towards this whole time.”
High On Life is set to come out later this year on Steam and the Epic Games Store.