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Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People is becoming Strong Bad’s Abandonware For Licensing Reasons

Telltale has some strong bad news, and has announced it will no longer offer support or sell Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People. “We no longer have the rights to the IP and so we can no longer sell or support the game series” reads a blog post announcing the news (thanks, RPS), though no cutoff date is mentioned and, at the time of writing, the game remains available on Steam.

Existing owners will still be able to download the game’s five episodes from the digital storefront where it was purchased, but it sounds like that’s yer lot for Homestar Runner fans. The latter is the highly popular online cartoon that the game is based on, Strong Bad himself being the lucha libre style character that stars in the game.

If you’re slightly confused about which Telltale this is, exactly, you’re not alone. The Strong Bad game, alongside many others, was pulled from stores in 2018 when OG Telltale, the developers of the game, went under, before returning to sale when nu-Telltale rose from the ashes. The news of the game’s de-listing is certainly unfortunate for those who like Homestar Runner, because it’s written by the show’s creators The Brothers Chaps. If you want to play the game through legitimate means, this may be your last chance to buy it.

The new Telltale is working on a pretty good looking game based on The Expanse, which it recently showed off, but the marquee project is a sequel to one of the original studio’s most beloved games: The Wolf Among Us 2. That project was recently delayed until next year with the studio saying, probably rightly, if it’s half-baked “we’re going to get torn to shreds“.

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