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Tchia treasure map guide: How to find and open every hidden chest

Tchia isn’t just a great open world adventure—one of the best I’ve played in ages—but it also has a fantastic treasure map side quest. The world of Tchia is filled with hidden treasure chests, and the only way to find them is by following a series of 21 hand-drawn treasure maps showing different landmarks, locations, and clues around the islands.

It’s genuinely a lot of fun following the maps and hunting down chests, which contain cosmetic items and a diary telling a long and interesting story (I won’t spoil any of it here), so I do really recommend trying it on your own. I suggest only use this guide if you’re stuck—and you might get stumped a few times because a some of these treasure maps are pretty tricky.Use the navigation links on this page to click through to find the map you’re stuck on (they’re not actually numbered in game).

Under the images of every treasure map in Tchia, I’ve got a picture of the world map. Look for the red pushpin in those images: it will show the treasure chest’s location. The images are enlargeable, and you can also click the right arrow of the gallery to see additional pictures I’ve taken of each chest’s location.

Treasure maps have to be followed in order: each treasure chest contains the key to the next chest, so even if you stumble onto a chest before you have its map, you won’t be able to open it. You’ll receive the first treasure map and key from Gaby in Weliwele, the morning after you bring her a red crab from Kweo in Chapter IV of the main story.

Before you begin

Important note: You won’t be able to fully complete the treasure map quest until you’ve started Chapter V of the main story. The location for treasure maps 18 and 19 isn’t accessible until you’ve begun that chapter.

Tip: I’d recommend learning the soul melody “Attract Animals” that lets you summon crabs, dogs, and birds with your ukulele before starting the treasure map quest. Some chests need to be dug up by soul-jumping into a dog, or have chains that need to be snipped by soul-jumping into a crab. The quest will be easier if you can summon them instead of having to find and catch them. You can learn that melody by winning the rock balancing game you’ll find just southwest of Puru Do on the island of Ija Noj.

Map 1

Map 1 and rusty key

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Island: Ija Noj

From Weliwele head down the coast, or fast travel to the docks at Dopwa. From the docks, head south along the water until you see a large boulder on a tiny island a few feet from the land. The chest is sitting right at the base of it.

Map 2

Map 2 and red key

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Island: Ija Noj

It’s quite close by the first chest. Just leave the boulder and head around the low cliff on the righthand side. Follow the cliff wall until you see a cave entrance and head inside to find the chest and the next map and key.

Map 3

Map 3 and orange key 🦀

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Island: Ija Noj
You will need: Crab

Look for Hua on your world map, it’s a blue circle representing a sunken grotto with a small island in the middle. The chest is on the island but you’ll need a crab to snip the chains open. There are usually a few crabs on the island if you didn’t bring one or haven’t learned the Attract Animals soul melody yet.

Map 4

Map 4 and yellow key

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Island: Ija Noj

Same map location, right here in Hua. Jump into the grotto and swim left until you see an underwater tunnel entrance. Make sure your stamina is full: it’s a long underwater swim through the tunnel. When you surface, follow the passage and take the left fork.

After turning left, swim straight ahead and dive under again. You’ll see a sign with an arrow pointing right but ignore the arrow (it points to the exit) and turn left. You’ll see some tall wooden markers and the chest.

Note: If you take the right fork you’ll find a rock-balancing minigame you should play while you’re down here. You can follow the underwater arrow signs to exit the cave.

Map 5

Map 5 and green key 💥

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Island: Ija Noj
You will need: Explosive

Head along the coast to the area marked by the red pushpin in the image above. Run along the edge of the rocky cliff until you see the owl emblem. The cave entrance is to the right of it. You’ll need to blow open the entrance with an explosive like a lantern or gas can. Inside the cave, turn right and you’ll find the chest.

Map 6

Map 6 and dark green key

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Island: Madra Noj

Head to the other big island, Madra Noj, by sailing or fast traveling to the dock at Gwa. With the dock at your back, look straight ahead and you’ll see a plateau. Climb up it and near the top you’ll see the owl emblem, wooden markers, and a pile of rocks. The entrance to the cave is too small to fit through so soul jump into a rock and roll through the entrance. Inside you’ll find the chest. There’s also a pile of rocks inside the cave so you can soul-jump into one to roll back out.

Map 7

Map 7 and turquoise key 🐕

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Dog

This is the first really tricky one due to the size of the island. The map shows a tree next to a cliff with a factory in the background, midway between the factories at Xupi Atu and Xupi Maana. Finding that midpoint is tough because there are a lot of trees and a lot of cliffs.

But the location is shown by the red pushpin in the map above, and the tree is closer to the water than the treasure map suggests. You can even zoom in all the way on your world map and see the tree. Soul-jump into a dog and dig at the X at the base of the tree to find the chest.

Map 8

Map 8 and light blue key 💥🦀

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Explosive, Crab

Another tricky one. The city of Aemoon is shown, with the pyramid-shaped roof of Ga Ngazo to the left of a plateau (the pyramid may or may not be floating, depending where you are in the story). The water shown on the treasure map is not the river next to Aemoon, however, it’s the ocean, and the vantage point is from the campsite on the small island to the west of Ga Ngazo (see additional pictures in the gallery above).

Leave the campsite island and head to the top of the plateau. Near the top you’ll see wooden markers and the owl emblem. Use an explosive to blow up the cave, or soul-jump into the wooden Mwaken standing beside it—you can run around as the Mwaken and throw explosives. Inside, use your crab to snip the chains on the chest.

Map 9

Map 9 and dark blue key 🐕

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Island: Ija Noj
You will need: Dog

Head back to the first big island, Ija Noj. The treasure map says Sei, which you can find on your world map where a river runs through the middle of the island. Look for the bridge at Sei, and if you approach it from the south, cross it and turn right. The cave entrance is just a few steps away at the top edge of the river gorge. Crouch-walk into the cave and soul-jump into a dog to dig up the chest.

Map 10

Map 10 and purple key 🦀🦀

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Island: Ija Noj
You will need: Crabx2

Look for Jawe Do on your world map, it’s on the northern half of the first big island, and it’s a pond so look for a blue circle.

You can technically do this with one crab but I’d suggest having two crabs in your pack. Swim straight down into the pond until you find a small tunnel you can’t fit into. Soul-jump into a crab to crawl through. Once you’re through the tunnel, swim straight up into a chamber (it’s easier to do this part as Tchia). In the chamber, use a crab to snip open the chest. Then swim and crab your way back out again.

Map 11

Map 11 and pink key 💥🐕

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Island: Ija Noj
You will need: Explosive, Dog

Head to the southeastern half of the first island and look for the enormous tree in the middle at Leeboo Hau. Once you see the tall tree, I’d suggest soul-jumping into a bird to circle around it. Near the dirt road, down the cliffside (see the second picture in the gallery above) you can spot the owl emblem on the rock. Use an explosive to open it, and inside the cave use the dog to dig up the chest.

Map 12

Map 12 and fuchsia key 🦀

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Island: Shipwreck
You will need: Crab

Put a crab in your pack and sail to the shipwreck between the two main islands: you’ll see part of the ship’s hull and some tall cranes rising from the water. This chest is a bit tricky to find underwater, but in the second picture of the gallery above you can see the best place to dive from, standing on the bridge with the yellow and gray cargo containers within sight.Remember what direction they’re in.

Swim straight down to the ocean floor, ignoring the first level of the ship. When you can’t go any further down, swim in the direction of the cargo containers. You’ll see the chest on the bottom of the hull and you can snip the chains with your crab.

Map 13

Map 13 and black key 🐕🦀

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Dog, Crab

Thanks to the writing on the map we know to look for Meelo (an old beached ship) and Xupi Nuu (a factory) which are on the southern half of the second big island, Madra Noj. Along the shore north of Meelo are a number of small white trees, but you’re looking for the big white tree off the beach and next to the grass. At the base of the tree, soul-jump first into your dog to dig up the chest and then the crab to snip the chains.

Map 14

Map 14 and white key 💥

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Explosive

The map only shows an explosive icon, but the cave entrance is to small to fit into so bring a crab, rock, or other small item to soul-jump into so you can roll inside.

Look for the highest point on Madra Noj, easy to spot if you become a bird and fly over the island. There are wooden walkways leading up both sides, but head to the side of the peak closest to the city of Aemoon and you’ll find the cave entrance. Use a small animal or object to roll inside, then use the explosive to break through the far cavern wall where there’s a crack. The chest is inside.

Map 15

Map 15 and red stripes key 🦀

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Crab

On your world map of Madra Noj, look for two rivers that form a figure eight south of the city. Look for the broken bridge along the river in the top half of the figure eight. Soul-jump into a crab and enter the river. Under the broken bridge, you’ll find the chest. Snip the chains to open it.

Map 16

Map 16 and yellow stripes key 💥🐕🦀

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Explosive, Dog, Crab

Finding this cave is tricky: There are lots of piplines in the southern portion of Madra Noj. But it’s very close to the big body of water inland, and if you look at the second gallery picture you’ll see the spot. If you stand near the pipe facing the factory at Xupi Nuu, with the platforms in the water to your left, the cave entrance is right behind you.

Use the explosive to open the cave entrance, the dog to dig up the chest, and the crab to snip the chains.

Map 17

Map 17 and pink dots key 🐕🦀

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Island: Madra Noj
You will need: Dog, Crab

The next map is close by. Just head to the factory at Xupi Nuu, and stand facing the zig-zag path leading up to it. Run to the left around the cliffs outside of the factory and you’ll come to a broken down car. The entrance is in the cliff wall marked by the owl emblem.

If you crouch by the small entrance you’ll see some rocks inside: soul-jump into one to get into the cavern. Then use the dog to dig up the chest and the crab to cut the chains, and soul-jump into a rock again to roll back outside.

Map 18

Map 18 and green dots key 💥🐕

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Island: Ieji Sinoe
You will need: Explosive, Dog

Note: You won’t be able to visit Ieji Sinoe until you’ve started Chapter V of the main story.

Once you’ve done that, climb to the top of the island and look for the small castle ruins shown in the treasure map. Circle the top of the island until the pointy roof of the hut is between you and the castle, then look along the cliff’s edge for the owl emblem. Open the cave with an explosive, crouch-walk inside, and use the dog to dig up the chest.

Map 19

Map 19 and bronze key 💥🦀

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Island: Ieji Sinoe
You will need: Explosive, Crab

The next chest is on this same island. Head down to the beach, and look for the two tall statues flanking the entrance to the island. Facing them, head toward the statue on the right. The entrance is at water level to the right of the statue. Inside the cave, keep left: With your flashlight on you’ll see some wooden markers, and beside them a crack in the cave wall. Use the explosive to open the entrance and then the crab to enter the small passage and snip the chains.

Map 20

Map 20 and silver key 🦀

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Island: Offshore of Ija Noj/Gutu
You will need: Crab

This map is in the ocean north of Ija Noj near the small island of Gutu, which is the jagged island shown on the treasure map. There are some pearl-diving spots and rocks just above the surface of the water which will help you find the exact location.You can also zoom all the way in on your world map and you’ll see a small square opening in the water.

Dive straight down to the sandy bottom of the sea, and look for a cave entrance nearby. You’ll see a large black owl statue and a statue of a figure with it’s arms crossed outside the entrance. Swim through the tunnel and use a crab to open the chest.

Map 21

Map 21 and golden key 🐕🦀

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Island: Uma
You will need: Dog, Crab

For the final map, sail to the tiny island of Uma, where the game began. The smallest island of Uma has coconut trees, but only one tree that looks like the one on the treasure map. At the base of that tree use the dog to dig up the chest and the crab to cut the chains.

You’re done! Enjoy your new owl costume and hat, and all the other cosmetics you collected along the way along with more of the story of Tchia.

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