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Where to destroy and collect telescope parts in Fortnite

The latest Fortnite challenge asks you to destroy and collect three telescope parts in a single match. Not too tall of an order to help save the world, and you’ll get the customary bonus XP for completing this quest, as all heroes deserve.

This is part of the new season quest added this week, which starts off with “Receive Your Next Objective in Sanctuary or any Seven Outpost.” After that, it’s a little harder to find where to go.

So we’ve saved you the trouble and laid out every step you need to take below.

Destroy and collect telescope parts: Where to start

1. Start out at the Seven base northeast of the statue. This is the base with the seven different platforms on a small island. Inside the ground floor of the building on the northwest corner, you’ll find a telescope that looks just like the one in the picture at the top of this page. Simply smash it with your harvesting tool and interact with the chunk that spawns as a result.

2. Then swim/boat over to the island further to the south. On the outside of the building, you’ll see another telescope.

3. The final telescope can be found at the Sanctuary POI. Head to largest building on the west side (the one resting on a small hill), and then go to the north side of the building. On the exterior you’ll find another telescope. Check out the picture if you’re having a hard time locating it.

Once you’ve destroyed all three telescopes and interacted with them, you’ve completed the challenge and earned a bonus 20,000 XP for your trouble. That should be enough to boost you a level (maybe two) on your battle pass.

For more challenge walkthroughs and news on the latest skins, check out our Fortnite guides page. Don’t forget that Fortnite recently added new weather effects to battle royale, including giant tornadoes and lightning storms.

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