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Tell Me Why is available free for Pride Month, as is now tradition

Tell Me Why, the award-winning narrative adventure from Life is Strange creators Dontnod Entertainment, is free for the whole of Pride Month. Again.

This marks the third year running that Dontnods game has been given away gratis in celebration of pride. In fact, I was right here last year telling you about it. PCG alumnus Nat sounded the Tell Me Why trumpet back in 2021, shortly after the game’s first episode went permanently free.

As has been the case the last two years, this deal includes all three episodes of the game, and is available from right now until July 1. As explained via Tell Me Why’s official Twitter account, Dontnot hopes the deal encourages players to support trans causes. “As in past years, we ask that you give your money to trans creators, trans-inclusive charities local to you, and trans people in need.”

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Alongside the game going free, Dontnod also announced that the game has been made available for sale in several new regions. “Tell Me Why is now available in Singapore on Xbox Game Pass, the Microsoft store and Steam, and in Ukraine on PC Game Pass and Steam.” The team notes that the version available in these regions uses existing languages, stating “no new localization options have been added.”

Tell Me Why follows the story of Tyler Ronan, a trans man who reunites with his sister Alyson in their Alaskan hometown, as they investigate the death of their mother. The twist is the pair can communicate telepathically. The game has a “Very Positive” rating on Steam, although PC Gamer reviewer Sam Greer felt that the game struggled to interweave its domestic drama and more supernatural elements, stating “slammed together into one, like two colliding trains, [it] leaves players to pick through the wreckage. There are good things to salvage but it nonetheless feels fractured and broken.”

You can grab Tell me Why for free on Steam and the Microsoft Store, while it’s also available on PC Game Pass. If you want to donate some money to trans charities, an extensive list of organisations can be found here.

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