Operation Monarch, the latest live event in Call of Duty: Warzone, is the kind of crossover you’d expect from Fortnite. It adds King Kong and Godzilla, though the two behemoths aren’t real interested in battling each other. They seem to have come to a “let’s you and him fight” agreement and spend most of their time targeting players, the tiny soldiers who scurry around the island trying not to die, occasionally plinking away at the monsters to earn some intel points and weapon XP. It’s more fun to watch than play, as Morgan put it.
Players will find their own ways to have fun, however, and one bold soldier did so by jumping a helicopter, flying it into the Eighth Wonder of the World’s upper thigh region, and farming Warzone XP using the helicopter blades. Yes, as the player in question put it in a Reddit post that was first flagged NSFW then removed by the humorless mods of r/CODWarzone, “You get XP for tickling Kong’s sack.”
If you actually tried this feat yourself, you’d probably explode first. Getting close to King Kong, let alone flying a fragile helicopter into his swimsuit area, is a surefire way to get smashed to bits. And even if you pulled it off, there are better ways to earn XP since Operation Monarch gives double weapon XP and could just shoot him with whatever gun you want to level up.
So is it worth all the risk just to manscape King Kong’s particulars? Probably not. Is it funny that someone did? Yes, absolutely.