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The horniest Stardew Valley player has married 63 people and she refuses to stop there

I don’t know what the partner cap on polyamory is, but this determined Stardew Valley player has definitely surpassed it by marrying 63 people simultaneously. If you have clocked the fact that there are not 63 people in the entirety of Pelican Town, Calico Desert, or Ginger Island from update 1.5, then you will not be surprised to hear that this was achieved with a hell of a lot of mods.

Streamer Yinny has posted quite a lot of modded Stardew Valley videos (many of which involve sexual dialogue mods so do beware the links) and last year undertook the challenge of simultaneously marrying 23 people in Stardew Valley. She achieved that feat with Free Love, a mod which allows you to have multiple spouses. I expected “multiple” to be, you know, like three maybe.

But even 23 was not enough for Yinny, who has now gone on to marry a total of 63 people in Stardew Valley. She’s shown off her entire village (and then some) of spouses, who march into bed together each night with a full earthquake of plip plop footsteps and holy hell is it a sight to behold.

Yinny’s stable of spouses includes expected Stardew residents such as Haley, sexy-fied Mayor Lewis, and Victor from the Stardew Valley Expanded mod. But she’s also managed to cram in Zoro from One Piece, a demon named Lucikiel who apparently hails from a mobile game called King’s Raid, and some guy named David whose origins even Yinny didn’t recall in the moment. All those mods added the characters, but she did the legwork of gifting and wooing each one before proposing.

“Anyway, I’m still not done,” Yinny also said, which I can only perceive as a threat. “I’m gonna install more NPCs, more expansions, and marry them all too!”

Although I don’t recommend the time-intensive task of wooing and proposing to 63 people, I do fully support Yinny’s use of my own favorite portrait mod for Stardew Valley: the grim and gritty DC Burger portrait mod. If you want to inject Pelican Town with other great visuals, check out our list of best Stardew Valley mods.

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