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How to use console commands in V Rising

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Looking for V Rising console commands and cheats? If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy getting bogged down in the grind and just wants to mess around and experiment, then console commands are a great way of getting every item and resource in the game without having to actually put all the hours in.

V Rising has all sorts of console commands, allowing you to teleport across the map at will, which is extremely useful due to the game’s inventory-based warp restriction, or claim every weapon and armour set you might want. Since character level in V Rising is determined by how good your equipment is, you’ll be able to go and fight anyone you want right from the outset.

In this V Rising console commands list, I’ll explain how to enable commands in a private game, use the two most useful commands, and provide a list of the rest in case you want to experiment with them yourself.

How to enable

V Rising console commands: How to enable them

To use console commands in a private world you’ll first have to activate them. Here’s how you do it:

Head to Options > General from the main menuClick the “Console Enabled” boxLoad up your game and press the ` key below escapeType “adminauth” and press enter to gain admin access

Now, you’re ready to start using console commands. Simply type “List” to bring up the commands available to you. It seems you also need to re-enter “adminauth” whenever you exit the game and return.

Get unlimited resources

V Rising console commands: How to get unlimited resources, weapons, and armour

There are lots of different console commands available to admins, but the most valuable is being able to gain an unlimited number of resources, armour sets, and weapons. To do that you’ll need the following commands:

give/giveset – Press ` to bring up the console, then type in either of these. Press space and you’ll be able to cycle through a list of all the items and armour sets in the game using the arrow keys. Press the right arrow key to enter the command you want, then press space and type the quantity of that item that you want. Press enter and it’ll appear in your inventory. To speed up your search, you can also type [name] and then whatever it is you desire.

How to teleport

V Rising console commands: How to teleport

The second most useful console command is teleport, and there are a few variations on this. TeleportToChunkWaypoint is handy since it warps you to various vampire waygates based upon which numbers you enter. Here’s where each number set sends you:

12, 15 – Dunley Farmlands Waygate East13, 13 – Dunley Farmlands Waygate South-East13, 19 – Cursed Forest Waygate14, 11 – Farbane Woods Waygate North-East14, 8 – Farbane Woods Waygate South-East15, 13 – Hallowed Mountains Waygate6, 16 – Silverlight Hills Waygate8, 8 – Farbane Woods Waygate South-West9, 10 – Farbane Woods Waygate West9, 13 – Dunley Farmlands Waygate South-West

Full list

V Rising console commands list

In case you want to play around yourself, here are all of the console and root level commands that are available in the game along with their description. You can get this list yourself by typing “List” into the console. I’ve separated the more technical/debugging related ones with those that you’re actually more likely to use:

Player commands

Alias (Alias, Command) – Removes target aliasAdminauth – Grants admin privilegesAdmindeauth – Relinquishes admin privilegesbancharacter (Character Name) – Bans the user playing with the specified character name from the serverBanned – Lists all banned playersbanuser (Steam ID) – Bans the user with the specified Steam ID from the serverBind (Key Combination, Command)Clanaccept – Accept clan inviteClandecline – Decline clan inviteClear – Clears all text from the consoleClearTempBindings – Clears out all existing temporary key bindingsclaninvite (Unnamed Argument) – Invites Player to clanClanleave – Leave clanConnect (address or steamid, port, password) – Connects to a serverDisconnect – Disconnects from the serverGatherAllAllies – Teleports all allies to mouse cursor positionGatherAllAlliesExceptMe – Teleports all allies, except you, to mouse cursor positionGatherAllNonAllies – Teleport all non-allies to mouse cursor positionGatherAllPlayers – Teleports all players to mouse cursor positionGatherAllPlayersExceptMe – Teleports all players, except you, to mouse cursor positiongive (What, Amount) – Set value on the nearest entitygiveset (What) – Set value on the nearest entityhidecursor (Unnamed Argument) – Set whether the cursor should be hidden or notkick (Character Name) – Kicks a player from the serverKill – Kills your characterList (Optional: Category) – Lists all existing commands and categorieslistusers (Include Disconnected) – Lists users that are active on the serverlocalization (Language) – Set localization languageMultiCommand (Commands) – Executes multiple commands separated by the semi colon (;) characterPlayerTeleport – Teleport player to mouse cursor positionReconnect – Reconnects to the serversetadminlevel (user, level) – Set or change the admin level of a userTeleportPlayerToMe (User) – Teleports a player to your locationTeleportPlayerToMousePosition (User) – Teleports a player to current mouse cursor positionTeleportToChunk (Unnamed Argument) – Teleport player to chunk co-ordinateTeleportToChunkWaypoint (Unnamed Argument) – Teleport player to entered waypointTeleportToNether – Teleport to netherTeleportToPlayer (User) – Teleport to player locationUnbind (Key Combination) – Delete target keybindingunban (User Index) – Unbans a player from the server. You need to run the banned command first to get a list of banned players

Technical/Debugging commands

adminonlydebugevents (Unnamed Argument) – Set if Debug Events are limited to only AdminsClientBuildingDebugging (Unnamed Argument) – Enable building debugging on client for finding displaying internal error as to why building doesn’t workCopy (Command) – Copies the output of the subcommandCopyDebugDumpCopyPositionDumpCreateDebugDumpCreatePerformanceDumpDebugViewEnabled (Unnamed Argument) – Enable or disable the debug viewdepthoffield (Unnamed Argument) – Enable or disable depth of fieldDumpArchetypeInformation (Which, Num to print, Full info) – Dumps the archetype information to a log and a fileDumpBlobAssetMemoryInfo (Which) – Dumps the blob asset’s memory footprintDumpChunkFragmentation (Which, ExtraDebugging) – Dumps the fragmentation state of the chunksDumpComponentMemoryInfo (Which) – Dumps the component memory footprintDumpDynamicBufferMemoryInfo (Which) – Dumps the dynamic buffer’s memory footprintDumpEntity (World, Entity, Full Dump) – Dump full information about target entity in worldDumpEntityQueries (Which) – Dumps all the entity queries in a worldDumpEverything (Which)DumpPrefabGUIDEntities (World, Component, Include Disabled, Include Prefabs) – Dump information about all PrefabGuide entities in worldDumpQueryArchetypes (Which, OnlyRequired, AlsoLogToConsole)DumpSystemMemory (Which, AlsoLogToConsole)garbageCollectArchetypes (Which) – Garbage collect all archetypes that are emptygcCollect – GcCollectJobThreads (Threads) – Set or get number of job threads used by the unity job systemlogdestroyevents (Which, State) – Continuously log all the destroy eventslowqualityatmosphere (Unnamed Argument) – Enable or disable low quality atmospheremeasureSystemPerformance (Unnamed Argument) – Turns on/off system performance measuringmotionblur (Unnamed Argument) – Enable or disable motion blurOpenCrashDumpFolder – Open the folder for crash dumpsOpenLogsFolder – Open the folder for log filesProfileInfo – Display info about the current console profileperformanceTestChunks (Jump Distance, Test Mode) – Test performance for all or selected chunksperformchunkdefragmentation (Which) – Perform fragmentation for all chunks in the specified worldPrintactivesequences – Print all active sequencesprintactivesoundsPrintallsequences – Print all sequencesprintdestroyevents (Which) – Print all the destroy events for the current framePrintDynamicResSettings – Prints the current dynamic resolution settingsPrintsunvfxstate – Prints some info regarding the sun VFX’s statesetmipmaplevel (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument) – Set the mipmap level on all RenderMesh texturessetresolution (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)setsystemenabled (Which, Unnamed Argument, Enabled) – Enable or disable a system in a worldstartbuildwallpaper (Unnamed Argument) – Starts the building of wallpapertexturestreamingenabled (Unnamed Argument) – Enable/disable the texture memory streaming budgettexturestreamingmaxlevelreduction (Unnamed Argument) – Sets the texture streaming max level reductiontexturestreamingmemorybudget (Unnamed Argument) – Sets the texture streaming memory budgetToggleDebugViewCategory (Unnamed Argument) – Toggle specific debug view modestoggleobserve (Mode) – Toggle being observerToggleSetting (Setting Name, Optional Setting Values) – Toggles a settingunloadUnusedAssets – Unload all unused assetsuseoptimizedqueries (Which, State) – Enable or disable faster queries

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