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Valve is ramping up Steam Deck production as Q3 reservation emails go out this week

There is good news for folks still waiting for their Steam Deck reservation to appear in their inbox. This week, Valve will start sending reservation emails for Q3 customers. If you’re a Q3er like me, we might get our grubby hands a Steam Deck in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.

Valve posted on Twitter that the last Q2 emails have been sent out, and Q3 reservation emails will be sent out on June 30th. If you’re one of the lucky ones to get that email, you’ll only have 72 hours to complete the transaction, and it would be wise to double-check your shipping address and payment information.

Importantly, Valve also said that it will start shipping double the amount of Steam Decks every week after today. Lawrence Yang from Valve explains on Twitter that “In previous weeks, we were shipping x units/week to customers; starting this week, we’ll be shipping 2x units/week.” Valve is kicking up production so more people can get their hands on a deck.

Valve also suggested that if you’re still waiting on your Q2 reservation email, give it some time or double-check your reservation status (need to be logged in) on the product page. If you somehow missed your window to order your Steam Deck, there is a grace period of a few days for you to order a Deck. You just have to head to the support page for the Steam Deck.

The Steam Deck has gotten some new updates in the last few weeks, such as an adjustable screen refresh rate, a lock screen with pin entry, and updated remote play. I’m more excited to start getting some emulators up and running on it. It’s been far too long since I’ve played Final Fantasy Tactics.

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