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Everything we know about WoW Shadowlands Season 4

WoW Shadowlands Season 4 is only days away and Blizzard is changing things up this time around. As well as Fated affixes which will bring earlier raids back into the limelight, various dungeons from older expansions will join the Mythic+ pool. We’ll also get the usual item level increase for most endgame gear drops as well, making it easier to catch up if you’ve been away for a while.

While World of Warcraft in general has felt like it’s lost its way a little recently, details emerging from the Dragonflight alpha look extremely promising. But as that’s still a way off, this last major Shadowlands patch is something to look forward to in the meantime. Here’s what we know about WoW Shadowlands Season 4.

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When is the WoW Shadowlands Season 4 release date?

Shadowlands Season 4 will arrive on August 2 (that’s August 3 for EU), with Season 3 ending at 10 pm server time the night before the weekly reset for all regions. So if you’re still after the Ahead of the Curve or Cutting Edge achievements, you’ve got a month to get them done.

Raid schedule and affixes

Shadowlands Season 4 raid schedule

Season 4 will introduce fated raids which add a “progenitor-themed affix system to infuse some new mechanical twists” into Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and the most recent raid, Sepulcher of the First Ones. Fated raids will kick off immediately at the launch of Season 4.

Here is the Shadowlands Season 4 raid schedule:

August 2: Fated Castle NathriaAugust 9: Fated Sanctum of DominationAugust 16: Fated Sepulcher of the First OnesAugust 23: Fated Castle NathriaAugust 30: Fated Sanctum of DominationSeptember 6: Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones

This rotation will continue until the end of Season 4. As stated in Blizzard’s post, the fated raid will only be available on that difficulty for that week, with the other two non-fated raids available on other difficulties.

Fated raid affixes

The affixes in fated raids work in a similar way to Mythic Plus dungeon affixes, though, unlike Mythic Plus, only one of a possible four affixes will apply to these raids.

Here are the Season 4 fated raid affixes:

Chaotic EssenceCreation SparkProtoform BarrierReconfiguration Emitter

Chaotic Essence

Summons an orb which defeats all players, but may be interacted with. This activates the foe, which spawns additional enemies for a short period of time. For each one slain, more spawn, and after the window of time players are rewarded with another Fated Infusion, increasing damage, healing, and absorbs done, stacking for each enemy defeated.

Creation Spark

Targeted players become charged with Cosmic damage over time. When this Magic-dispellable aura is removed, Creation Sparks fly off and impact the ground. This can explode if no player is there to intercept it, but if they do they’re rewarded with a powerful Fated Infusion, increasing the flow of time and the movement speed of any player within the radius.

Protoform Barrier

Infuses a powerful enemy to inflict Cosmic damage to players. When removed this power manifests as an enemy who shields all enemies in the area for a short period of time, sharing the pool of shielded health. Players may additionally heal a secondary unit to contribute against this pool. If this shield breaks, damage and healing done to shielded enemies is inflicted upon them, and players are granted a Fated Infusion, increasing total health, damage, healing, and absorbs done based on how much that player contributed.

Reconfiguration Emitter

An enemy appears which continually casts, inflicting Cosmic damage to all players if successful. Over time, this enemy gains energy and increased damage done, and when defeated grants a Fated Infusion which increases mastery, critical strike, versatility, and avoidance based on the enemy’s energy value.

Raid Loot and rewards

Fated raid loot and rewards

All three raids will have an increase in difficulty in Season 4, alongside the affix. When a raid is fated, it will also drop a significantly increased item level on gear.It’s also worth noting that there are no additional upgrades for legendary gear in this final season and they will stay at 291 item level.

Raid Finder: 265 – 272Normal: 278 – 285Heroic: 291 – 297Mythic: 304 – 311

Additional rewards are also earned by completing all three Fated raids on a specific difficulty level. These are:

Normal: Jigglesworth Sr. mount (see the screenshot above)Heroic: Hero of Fate titleMythic: Teleports to each Shadowlands raid location (character specific)

Mythic+ pool and seasonal affix

Old dungeons will join the Mythic+ pool

A new season for Mythic+ dungeons means a new seasonal affix to figure out and get used to. But with Shadowlands Season 4, the available dungeons will change to include instances from the last four expansions, all the way back to Warlords of Draenor.

Six of the dungeons were announced initially, with the final two WoD dungeons being put to the vote. As the poll is now closed, the dungeon line-up for Shadowlands season 4 will be:

Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder (Shadowlands)Tazavesh: So’leah’s Gambit (Shadowlands)Operation Mechagon: Junkyard (Battle for Azeroth)Operation Mechagon: Workshop (Battle for Azeroth)Return to Karazhan: Lower (Legion)Return to Karazhan: Upper (Legion)Grimrail Depot (Warlords of Draenor)Iron Docks (Warlords of Draenor)

Accessibility options will also be added in Season 4, which will allow you to turn off the moving environments inside Grimrail Depot and the Maw of Souls dungeon in Legion.

Seasonal affix for Mythic+ dungeons

The affix for Season 4 is Shrouded, and will automatically kick in on any +10 keystone or higher.

Nathrezim infiltrators have disguised themselves among certain non-boss enemies in dungeons. You can see through their clever disguises if you pay close attention. Defeat these impostors, and a Cartel Ta member will capture them and allow you a choice of bounties that will enhance a secondary stat of your choice. You’ll also receive a hefty Bounty Payment that quickly restores health and mana.”

Check out Blizzard’s content update notes for class balance changes coming in the new season.

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