The World of Warcraft Trading Post offers a way to earn pets, mounts, and transmog items—some of which were only previously available through specific promotions or paid content, such as the in-game store. First announced at the end of 2022, and rolled out in February of 2023, the Trading Post has been in-game for just over a year.
The Trading Post isn’t available in Classic, so you’ll need to play the retail version if you want to take advantage of the system. With that said, you don’t even need to own the Dragonflight expansion to access it as you can interact with the vendors and pick up the introductory quest from level 10 onwards. Here’s what else you need to know, including the WoW Trading Post rewards for March.
March rewards
WoW March Trading Post rewards
The Trading Post offers cosmetic items such as transmog, pets, and mounts, some of which are either no longer available in-game or are part of the in-game store. Trading Post items are rotated out at the end of each month, though some will return later. Additionally, there is a bonus reward which can be earned by collecting 1000 Travel Points, which fills the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log window.
If there’s an item you want but don’t quite have enough Trader’s Tender to purchase, you can drag the item to the panel at the bottom of the shop window to “freeze” it so it won’t rotate out until you buy it or it’s replaced with another item.Here are the March Trading Post rewards.
Mounts and toys:
The Majestic Azure Peafowl (Mount): 750 Trader’s TenderHorde: Alabaster Stormtalon (Mount): 650 Trader’s TenderAlliance: Alabaster Thunderwing (Mount): 650 Trader’s TenderDelicate Jade Parasol (Toy): 200 Trader’s Tender
Transmog (armor):
Fabulously Flashy Finery (Shirt): 50 Trader’s TenderRegal Warcloak (Cloak): 50 Trader’s TenderDueler’s Aquatic Shoulder Cape (Shoulder): 75 Trader’s TenderDueler’s Cloudy Shoulder Cape (Shoulder): 75 Trader’s TenderFlowing Aquatic Gloves (Hands): 100 Trader’s TenderClassic Aquatic Tabard (Tabard): 100 Trader’s TenderTrader’s Aquatic Sarong (Legs): 100 Trader’s TenderTrader’s Cloudy Sarong (Legs): 100 Trader’s TenderEnsemble: Vagabond’s Aquatic Threads (Head and cloak): 100 Trader’s TenderEnsemble: Wanderer’s Aquatic Trappings (Head and cloak): 100 Trader’s TenderGossamer Teal Gown (Chest): 150 Trader’s TenderLost Crown of the Arcane (Head): 200 Trader’s TenderGuise of the Royal Masquerade (Head): 200 Trader’s TenderGuise of the Shining Masquerade (Head): 200 Trader’s TenderSky-Captain’s Formal Attire (Head, chest, legs, feet, cloak): 800 Trader’s Tender
Transmog (weapons):
Blackrock Executioner (Polearm): 150 Trader’s TenderChipped Warblade (1-handed sword): 50 Trader’s TenderJeweled Ripper (Fist weapon): 200 Trader’s TenderVirulent Gavel (1-handed mace): 200 Trader’s TenderCorroded Augari Defender (Shield): 200 Trader’s TenderMephistroth’s Razor (1-handed sword): 200 Trader’s TenderCatastrophe’s Edge (2-handed sword): 250 Trader’s TenderFlame-Forged Fel Fang (1-handed dagger): 450 Trader’s TenderArsenal: Skyborn Blades (a pair of 1-handed swords): 500 Trader’s Tender
March bonus:
Teele (Pet): 1000 Travel Points
Trading Post locations
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WoW Trading Post location
When you reach level 10, you’ll have a quest pop up to introduce you to the Trading Post—Tour The Trading Post tasks you with finding the location in your faction’s capital city. Horde players can find the Trading Post in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar, while for Alliance, it’s located to the north of the Mage District in Stormwind City.
Once you arrive, collect the 500 Trader’s Tender currency from the chest and interact with the two named NPCs nearby to progress the quest. You’ll then be prompted to “Review the Trading Post post“, which can be a little confusing. To complete this step, examine the flyer stuck to the post to the right of Shiri, for Horde, or Tawny Seabraid for Alliance.
Now you can check out what’s on offer at the Trading Post by speaking to Zen’kala or Wilder Seabraid which will conveniently complete the quest, netting you another 500 Trader’s Tender, the currency you’ll need to buy the Trading Post goodies.
Trader’s Tender
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How to earn Trader’s Tender
You can earn the Trader’s Tender currency in a variety of ways, and these aren’t limited to endgame activities. You’ll earn 500 Trader’s Tender every month just by picking it up from the Collector’s Cache, and you can keep track of how much you have in the “currency” tab on your character sheet.
To access the Traveler’s Log and see what will net you the Trader’s Tender, open your Adventure Guide (Shift+J) and select the tab at the bottom. Each activity awards Travel Points; when completed, these will start filling the bar at the top. It’s worth noting that the Traveler’s Log is account-wide, so your alts can contribute too.
As you can see in the screenshot above, you’ll earn four lots of 100x Trader’s Tender once you fill the bar to certain points. Filling completely will award you with a bonus reward, usually a mount.
The categories which let you earn Travel Points (and work towards Trader’s Tender) are:
DragonflightDungeons and raidsHolidays and EventsPet BattlesProfessionsPvPQuestsSpecial
As you can see it’s a diverse list, so no matter how you spend your time in Azeroth, you won’t have to miss out. Each category has a list of options, such as “complete 30 quests” or “defeat 25 raid bosses”. You don’t have to complete all of them, and you can pick and choose which ones you want to target—you may even find you complete a few just by playing naturally.